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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

101 Things and four wax candles in a darkened room

101 Things and four wax candles in a darkened room.

I have saved this afternoon for you, my beloved reader, and a hundred and four wax candles in a darkened room among velleities and carefully caught regrets through attenuated tones of violins and dark saxophones. Let us take the air, in a tobacco trance, remain self-possessed except when a street piano, mechanical and tired reiterates some worn-out commong song. My self possession flares up for a second. But our beginnings never know our ends, and this is the beginning counted in wax candles in a darkened room, with pianos, violins and saxophones as our favourite soundtrack.
After all these years I've succumbed to peer pressure... and put together my 101 Things About Me list. so here you are - WAY more things then you ever wanted to know about me:

1. My whole name is Laura Juliana Beltrán Villamizar. might know me as: Lo or perhaps La Moixeta.
3.Lo comes from the way english or even french pronunciate my first name... as in Low or in French Lò.
4.Moixeta means bird in Catalan... that's my alter Ego. A mix between bird, butterfly, an angel and Pegasus.
5. I've lived in the Lekkerkerk bay area since 2001.
6.Lekkerkerk's a tiny little town "in the middle of nowhere" somewhere nearby Rotterdam, the south-west of the Netherlands.
7. I love Julie she's still my best friend, my soul mate Eventhough we both drive each other crazy from time to time.
8. I study Cinematics and photography at the Art Academy of Rotterdam Willem de Kooning.
9. I have something with the B cities. Boston, Bogotá, Brasilia, Bucharest, Berlin, Barcelona, Belfast, Buenos Aires, Bologna, Brussels, Baltimore, Bangkok, Bali, Beijing, Bergen,Budapest, Beirut...
10. I've been to Copenhagen . I've partied on the Hans Christian Anderson blvd and had black denish beer.
11. I love to read. My favourite authors are, in terms of sheer quantities read and enjoyed and in no particular order:
Roald Dahl, Nooteboom, Nietsche, Poe, G. Garcia Marquez, Madeleine L’Engle,Paul Auster C.S. Lewis, Kurt Vonnegut, Murakami and Saramago.
Plays: Shakespeare, Edward Albee, Oscar Wilde.
Poetry: e.e cummings, Shakespeare, T.S Eliot, John Fuller, Garcia Lorca, Brian Patten and Neruda.
12.I carry a camera with me all the time. I'm exclusively non-digital now, but that's mainly because of the size and convenience.
13. if I could find a light-weight, inexpensive, medium format camera that could take both film and digital, i'd do it. (yes, i know Hasselblad does this, but i did say inexpensive...)
14. Photography is my passion. period.
15. Im listening to Paco de Lucia's Concierto de Aranjuez and I still love it.. this guy is The Man. Period.
16.Concierto de Aranjuez played by Chet Baker or Astor Piazzola works like an xtc...
17. I try to cultivate new friends whenever I can. you can never have too many but you can have too few.
18. I feel like i'm pretty lucky. not lotto winning lucky, but in the way my life has unfolded lucky. 19. I was born in the chilly mountains of Colombia, and raised in the mountains.
20. I Love my capital.. Bogotá city.
21. My parents got divorced when I was like 14 months old (cant remember how it happen, it just did..)
22. My first kiss tasted like grape bubble gum and whiskey.
23. I curse like a sailor but only in casual situations. It always amuses me when someone lets an expletive slip.
24. Strangers seem to feel comfortable telling me all sorts of things I never asked to know.
25. I havent always made the wisest choices.
26. I had a very strong religion upbringing, but consider myself kind of agnostic.
27. I have Flinstone Feet.
28.I enjoy modern art and the history behind it
29. I love George Harrison and John Lennon. Dislike Paul McCartney and don't really care one way or the other about Ringo.
30. My mom used to say that I collected people. Truth is, I'm just not very good at letting go.
31. I've learned from europeans to be a bon vivant
32. I consider myself a natural born leader, the one who always goes against the flow.
33. I drink way too much Red Bull (with or w-o alcohol doesn't matter)
34.Same happens with Ginger Ale, Guaraná and Clight.
35.Coffee is my last remaining vice. I love coffee. I will not give up coffee
36. I love to dance but am by no means a good dancer.
37. This is equally true about singing
38. I've never broken a single bone in my body
39. but I bruise like nobody's business.
40. I love roller coaster rides!
41. My dream birthday present would be to ride in a hot air balloon (preferably on safari in Kenya).
42. Living in Rotterdam has made me an architecture freak. From Frank Gehry and his Guggenheim to Hans Hollein, Goudí or Hundertwasser and I.M. Pei...
43.Gothic charms me and Art nouveau seduces me.
44. I love Christmas time and I miss spending it at home.
45. If there is Baileys in the house I drink it!!
46. I wish I were more self-disciplined and had more will power.
47. If it were possible to go back in time and change whatever you wanted to about your life, I would change very few things.But I would change some.
48. I am a watcher of lightning.
49. I love to watch a fire burn. Candle, fireplaces, campfires.
50. For you astrological types, Im an Gemini
51. I listen to all types of music regularly, though Alternative, latin and 80’s music are my favourites.
52. I grew to know every single song from The Stones my uncle-roommate, and close friend, Al played them over and over and over.
53. And over and over and over and over
54. .I truly believe Paco De Lucia and Stevie Ray Vaughan are one of (if not the) best guitar players Ive seen in years
55. .But Ill never forget Sir Jimi hendrix even though I never got to see the guy play live (Im not that old) what Ive seen, read and listened this guy was a badass guitar player
56. my personal favourite guitarists are quite a lot... from Steve Vai to James Burton, from Al DiMeola to Chuck Berry or Frank Zappa.
57. Ive always wanted to learn how to play left-handed guitars..and I really enjoy watching Jimmi play his or Kurt Cobain, they both played left-handed guitars amazing!
58.I own an acoustic jazz guitar from the seventies. It's one of my greatest possesions.
59. My dream concert would be opened with a Clapton/Hendrix/Matthews jam session, and followed by The Cure,Oasis, Radiohead, and PinkFloyd. I would need to be on stage with them, taking in the spectacle with perfect view.
60. I've seen snow in person less than 10 times in my life.
61. I'm nocturne. which can lead to insomnia at extreme times.
62.The best thing about the flat-view of the Netherlands are the sunsets and the way the moon hangs like a disco bowl on top of those caramel and whiskey clowds. Lovely.
61.I'm romantic and tend not to get too cheesy being so.
62.I drink red wine at meals.
63. Clowns usually use to scare me when I was a kid
64. I love to give gifts, especially for no particular reason and to those who don't expect it..
65. I tend to be shy until I get to know someone.
66. Ignorant people piss me off. Just like arrogant fellaws.
67. I believe in love at first sight and have experienced it.
68. I cry during movies, dance or play guitar around campfires and love lithography, specially Toulouse-Lautrec.
69. I snort when I laugh sometimes.
70. I used to want to be a veterinarian.
71. I gave it up and decided to stick up with communication. (languages followed by journalism) 72. My favourite colour is sepia.
73. I love mediterranean, mexican, arabian, indonesian, thai, indian and south-american food.
74.I really like to experiment in the kitchen.
75.The few people I've cooked for say I'm pretty good at it.
76. Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fuck.
77.You got to eat your entire life so you might as well do it right.
78. Betrayal is an art, courage is irrelevant, loyalty can be deadly.
79..I'm self-possesed by Jazz festivals.
80. I love to travel
81. In another life, I worked at a travel TV programme and spent my life around the globe.
82. In yet another life, I was a photojournalist with my home in a sack.
83. My first camera was a plastic Yogi Bear instamatic with roll film. I use to take pictures like Amelie Poulain did when she was a kid.
84. In addition to English, I can speak Spanish, Dutch ,a little French, some German and use to study Portuguese and Italian almost every summer break...
85.I am a bargain shopper. to the point of obsession.
86. The Beatles over The Rolling Stones.
88.<-I was born on the year of this list number. How old am I? You make the math.
87. daisies are my favourite flowers
89. I lived for a while in Miami, then moved to West Palm Beach.
90. The States have given quite good music but the best has come from the UK.
91. My natural hair color is ginger-red, turning kind of orange in summer.
92. yes, you read that one right, I am a natural redhead
93. I love to kiss. Dutch have always believed ginger-haired are the best kissers.
94. I really hope I get to one day see the earth from the moon
95. Im still trying to become a vegetarian, but it gets pretty tough when I go to someones, I dont like to annoy dinners or home-cooking moms with my no-meat story.
96. I love fish though..
97.I do Tai-kon-do, Tai-chi and Yoga. Yeah, I can kick some ass.
98. My hair is a mixture between Lion King Mufasa and Bob Marley.
99. My first favourite Tv show was "The Wonder Years" then it was "Friends". I don't watch that much tv anymore.
100. The best of Mtv europe comes between 11pm and 8 am. The rest is BS.
101. I dont believe in politics. I wish society could be like Marx once had in mind. Communism.the same for everyone.
102. I'm the miss of chill-out. From Brazilian Girls, Dimitri from Paris, Putumayo, les Hommes until J Walk, French lounge, Asian grooves, Buscemi, Ian Pooley, Jazznova, Tom and Joyce, Ursula 1000...pffsss I onw a tetrabyte of chill-out.
103. Tempo di Valse: Leggiero.
Outro. Lento.
Fin: Sonore. might blow up the last candle and turn the music off.