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Friday, July 23, 2004

alo uno dos tres..y probando a ver si esta mm si funciona.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

uhmm 1-2-3... here we go... knocking on heaven's door..

Thursday, July 08, 2004">

Born and raised in Bogota, Colombia, on June 2nd 1988 to a very unique family which continues its strange uniqueness today. My childhood stands as 1ne of the most cherished times of my life. Walking amongst classmates to elementary school every day, I've come to discover childhood friendships are unlike no other. Life was pretty normal *until* I went to college. Then I discovered the internet, my mom went pscyho, and I learned that there was more to life than getting married and having kids. So, I dove into being a computer junkie and broke up with my fiance, Kit. The next 3 years pretty much sucked ass. So, I suppose I cannot complain too much. I live somewhere where I can be myself, there's always a show to go to even if you have to drive a bit, and it's not the midwest!
Other things about me:HEIGHT: 5'11WEIGHT: 155-160 depending on the day of the monthWHERE I LIVE: Santa Rosa, CALIVING ARRANGEMENTS: I live in a granny unit with Squeeek and Brent's fish, Zach. Brent has z0rg.FAVORITE COLOR: blue, but purple is a close 2ndBESTEST FRIENDS: Anne Smoot, Matt Wilson, Micah FinchumMOM: KimDAD: BrianSISTER: NellCAR: A 1996 gold Saturn SL-2TENDENCIES: Anal-retentive neatnickBEER: Just about any dark beer, but Spaten Optimator is my total favorite. Guinness is always good too. SCOTCH: I'm a single malt girl. Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish is my favorite.FAVORITE RADIO STATION: KNAC.comFAVORITE BANDS: Tesla and ToolFAVORITE MAGAZINE: Classic Rock (UK)FAVORITE CLOTHES: jeans and t-shirtsFAVORITE MEAL: BreakfastIN MY NEXT LIFES: I want to be a cat. And then in another life, my friend M.W. and I are gonna hook up. It's already been decided.WHEN I GROW UP: I want to teach 4th or 5th grade. At least, somewhere in that age-rangeFOR NOW: I work for a mortgage company doing odds and ends and processing loans.HOBBIES: Puters, IRC, music (of course), walking, reading, science fiction movies/shows, and other little things.

favorite music
More about me! Thought I'd list some favorite bands/artists. Some are bands I listened to in jr. high and highschool, some Ilisten to now. I'm sure I'll add to this list as I come up with other names. In no particular oder except for the first two:
Tesla (#1 favorite band of all time, been that way since I was 13)Tool (#2 favorite band of all time. Thankyou Firefuck, for telling me to listen to these guys)Better Than Ezra Faster PussycatLed Zepplin (of course)Faith No MoreAerosmithGuano ApesMegadeath (old)Metallica (old)SoundgardenPearl JamQueenTori AmosSarah McLauchlan (up til she started playing the dyke crowd thing)PoisonWarrantA Perfect CircleSkid RowThe PosiesThe Doors (of course)Red Hot Chili PeppersGuns N' RosesExtremeDrain STHDavid Garza (Dah-Veed)RushBar 7Henry Rollins (spoken word stuff)Bill Hicks (another dead hero)George CarlinBeastie BoysJane's AddictionDepeche ModeNINThrowing MusesJudas PriestStereomudMinistryErasureThe CranberriesThey Might Be GiantsMotley CrueDeconstructionToad The Wet SprocketType O NegativeUltraspankQueensrycheMadonna (old)Iron MaidenSavatageEarshotNew OrderGarbageMiles DavisThe Crystal MethodMassive AttackRed SnapperRjd2...more to come!